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9 Amazing Benefits of Sex

Those good feelings swirling around your brain during sexy times are due to brain chemistry, specifically dopamine and opoid chemicals. The good new is that this goodness extends beyond our brains. Studies have found that regular sex can do way more than make us feel warm and fuzzy.

1. It helps ward off cold and flu.

Researchers found that university students who engaged in sexual activity a few times a week had higher levels of an antibody that helps fight infections and the common cold—in their saliva .

2. It reduces depression and stress.

No need for chocolate: Doing the deed has positive mental-health associations for everyone! In general, intercourse can make blood pressure less reactive to stress and reduce overall stress levels .

3. It boosts brainpower.

A study on adult rats found that the sexually active rodents experienced an increase in neurons in the hippocampus—a part of the brain that stores memories—compared to their virginal rat buddies. Not only that, but researchers at the University of Amsterdam found that sexual encounters may improve people’s analytical thinking.

4. It improves overall physical fitness.

If you’re looking for more motivation to hit the gym, consider this: Working out regularly tends to improve our sex lives, and having sex regularly can improve physical fitness.

5. It relieves pain.

Gettin’ frisky releases a bevy of hormones that can reduce pain. Oxytocin, the “cuddling hormone” that makes folks want to snuggle up after sex, reduces stress and promotes feelings of calm and wellbeing. Sex also releases serotonin, endorphins, and phenyl ethylamine, hormones that generate feelings of euphoria, pleasure, and elation—and make people forget all about that nagging sore muscle or back twinge.

6. It improves sleep.

Sexual intercourse actually can help both men and women nod off, during the afterglow. Feeling relaxed and comfortable are big factors in hitting the big O, so it makes sense that there’s a tendency to want to snooze right after.

7. It enhances your sense of smell.

Oddly enough, spending some time between the sheets can help our noses do their job even better. After sexual intercourse, the body produces the hormone prolactin, which creates new neurons in the olfactory bulb—the part of the brain that controls how we understand and react to smells.

8. It makes us look younger.

A little afternoon (or morning) delight doesn’t just make you feel great; it can actually make you glow! Orgasms trigger the release of the sex hormone estrogen in both men and women. Estrogen improves hair and skin quality, making people look more attractive .

9. It lowers blood pressure.

High blood pressure puts pressure on the blood vessels, leading to damage and narrow, hardened arteries and reduces arousal and ability to achieve orgasm in women. Testosterone, a sex hormone power player for both ladies and gents, these spikes in testosterone associated with sexual activity might help lower blood pressure.


Donna J. Parker is an Author, Columnist, Book Illustration and Jazz Radio Show Host. Currently living in the mid-west she has raised a child, obtained a Master’s degree in Education, rode an elephant and flew an airplane.

She usually writes about how people can use and add spiritual principals to thier lives. As a grandmother, she was honored and surprised to be asked to write about her sexuality. She considers sexuality a natural part of life, at any age. Donna J Parker may be one of the sexiest seniors you know. More information can be found at

Donna J. Parker 07/2017

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