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Moon Magic

New moons and full moons are occurrences that can be used to manifest desires and create a magical life. Rituals around moon magic can be as simple as a meditation or as elaborate as a full, consecrated circle. You can even incorporate sex or masturbation into your ritual for added power (and fun!). To harness the power of the moon in a way that can work for you it’s important to understand what magic and spell work are, and what each phase of the moon represents. What is 'magic'? Magic is a fun and fancy way of saying you're setting an intention, and putting energy behind it. This energy can be 'God/dess', The Universe, nature, or you Spirit Self. The most important thing about doing magic is making sure the energy is resonating with you.

What is spell work? Spell work is taking your intention or prayer, and writing it out. Sometime it might rhyme, especially if you want to memorize it, but that's not necessary. A spell by itself is just words on paper. It's your energy and intention that give the spell life during your ritual. What is a ritual? A ritual is a sacred event in which you repeat your spell infused with energy. Rituals can be very involved and drawn out, with several people in attendance. Rituals can also be very simple with just one person. Candles, meditation, oils and incense can all be included in a spell....or not. It's completely up to you. The purpose of the ritual is to put you in a state of openness and receiving; to remove your ego and allow Spirt/God/dess to move through you. The ritual along with the spell is what makes it all 'magical'. Why do spell work or magic during the moon phases? There was always a widely held believe by our ancestors that everything in nature was connected. The sun, the moon, and the earth all work together to sustain life. Take away one and we all perish. For women in particular the moon had significance because the moon is responsible for regulating the water on earth. It is responsible for the flow of the tide. Our moon cycle (period/menstruation) is connected to this flow for a few reasons: 1)We can use the 28 day cycle of the moon to help calculate our cycle; 2) Because of our emotional state and the fact that emotions are closely related with water (emotions ebb and flow like the tide), the moon has become symbolic of The Feminine. In most societies the healers herbalists, and magic workers were women. These women would use the moon cycles and the energies of nature to create, or banish, depending on what was needed. Over time the phases of the moon became associated with different types of magical workings. Here are two phases of the moon, and the magic work done during those times: Dark Moon/New Moon: clearing away of negative energy; planting seeds for new beginnings. The dark/new moon is symbolic for the womb of a woman, as well as a planting field. Before seeds are planted the field must be cleared of any weeds, bugs, and anything else that will prevent the seeds from sprouting properly. Then the seeds can be planted in the dark of the earth, and watered. During the dark moon (the time in which the moon cannot be seen) decide what thoughts/beliefs you want to get rid of. You can write them down, say them out loud, and then burn them and bury the ashes in the earth. This ritual allows your subconscious to release those thoughts, and give the energy back to the earth, where it can be transmuted into new life. To add more energy or power to this ritual you can use a black candle to symbolize the death of the old ideas and beliefs that no longer serve you. The new moon is the time when the moon is barely beginning to appear in the sky. Now that your field is cleared you can plant the seeds for what you want to happen in your life (ie: a new job, a new move, bringing romance to you, etc.). Your feelings for this ritual are VERY important! It is your intention and energy that will water your seeds. You cannot be logical about this. You must FEEL this ritual. Think about your intention. Imagine it. See how you feel when it comes to pass. Hold those feelings of joy, happiness, love, or any other positive feelings that come to you. Then release the intention. Trust it will happen. Let go of "how". Trust and have faith that it is already so. Choose a candle color that matches your intention for extra added 'umph' to your spell.

Full Moon: celebration, protection, guidance, healing, or any other spell work to be done. The full moon is harvest time for the intentions you planted during the new moon. It can also be used for any additional spell work. Choose the candle that aligns with your intention and write out your spell/prayer. Just like with the new moon it's important that you FEEL the words you are saying. Your energy is the boost to this. Once your intention has been stated, release and trust that all is well, and it is in action.

This is a very basic overview of how you can use these two phases for moon magic. You can also do magic during the waxing and waning portions of the moon as well. If you'd like to learn how to infuse your sensual and sexual energy into your spell work, for added energy, check out my latest video for 30 Days of Self Pleasure where I talk about how to harness your orgasmic energy for manifestation.


Maisha is a Sensual Energy Alchemist who shows women, men, and couples how to transform their energy into ecstasy, and to create lives they want to make love to. She believes better sex and healthier relationships make for happier lives. Maisha combines her knowledge and study in the areas of psychology, tantra, sexual health, and fitness, with her training as a tantrika, energy worker, intuitive, and spirit guide, to facilitate erotic bliss, pleasure, and inner healing for her clients. When she's not guiding women and men toward more orgasmic lives, Maisha can be found dancing, meditating, or baking for her children.

Maisha Hudson

Sensual Energy Alchemist & Pleasure Coach

Better Sex * Healthier Relationships * Happier Lives

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