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The Scent of Feminine Essence

The feminine energy is the matrix of creation. It has the ability to create life and give birth in the form of miracles-it is the entrance of souls. If we continue to suppress the mystery of the feminine divine we are denouncing the fundamentals of creation. The divine feminine energy is SOURCE!

The SOURCE runs through out the genetic makeup of all beings. We, the feminine divine are electrical beings of light that are universally connected. Our cellular structures hold the blueprint for life. The female mitochondria holds the secrets that have been lost in time but still abide in our DNA imprint. OUR DNA has the ability to heal, nourish, and transform.

The Feminine Divine brings forth the desire for ONENESS; all call for a change, a shift. The Feminine Divine knows ONENESS; she feels it in in her body in which we call WISDOM. The Feminine Divines knows ONENESS for we nourish our children with it from initial conception to birth.

Due to the matriarchal society that our Western culture has imposed, we the FEMININE diminish and often suppress our feminine essence. The soft, nurturing essence of femininity is often pushed within the shadows by which denying her own wisdom.

The desire and gravitational pull towards ONENESS requires the feminine energy to become balanced with the masculine to bring forth a new understanding of WHOLENESS of life, in that becomes ONENESS. This in turn will be a catalyst in healing the WORLD.

5 Tips To Invoke The Feminine Divine Within

  1. Take time start nurturing the inner Goddess. Self-love is required. How can the great Feminine Divine give to the world and not give to self?

2.Honor thyself! Prepare an alter to give homage to self. Honoring the divinity in you will allow you to connect to source.

3. Keep your temple nourished. Watch your diet. Add high vibrational foods to your diet (ex. live food, plant based, organic). Drink your water. Stay hydrated.

4. Stay active! This is key to longevity! Walk, run, skip, have sex! Keep the heart active!

5. Silence and solitude. Be still. Quiet the mind. The source communicates to us when we are still. The body cannot heal if it’s always in motion. Learn to relax. Meditate. Yoga. Masturbate. Enjoy YOU!


Asha W. Sims, LPC

Holistic Wellness Practitioner/ Yoni Advocate/Sensual Arts Educator

Sensual Arts Educator

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