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Being Comfortable In Our Own Skin

One of the hardest things I have seen women struggle with has been embracing their bodies. We live in a culture that promotes illusions of what the perfect body is when in reality there is NO SUCH THING as an imperfect body ! WE ARE DIVINE EXPRESSION OF THE CREATRESS!

Our bodies are the temples of our spirit and this is where many of our issues as women begin. We disconnect from our bodies. We deal with shame, insecurity, and discomfort because our bodies do not look like the images portrayed in the media. Learning to embrace our curves, our stretch marks, blemishes, dimples, and rolls is a struggle for many. Once we begin to accept that we are divine expressions of the Creatress/Creator, we will be able to embrace who we are in WHOLE!

How many look in the mirror and feel disgust, shame, or sorrow when you look at yourself nude? MANY OF US! How can we expect others to accept us for who we are if we can not accept who we are?

Insecurities of self can lead to the following:

- low self esteem

- depression

- lack of sexual drive, intimacy

- mundane sex

- fatigueness, low energy

- relationship problems

In order to embrace as a WHOLE you must look at what is the cause of your disconnect. When you look at yourself nude, what thoughts come to mind? ( Example: I am fat, I am not attractive, I am too big, I am too skinny ). Whatever comes to mind, explore WHERE those thoughts originated. Why do you feel that way? When did you first start to feel that way about your body?

Who says the perfect body is slim? Who says the perfect body should not have dimples or cellulite or stretch marks? WHO????

So let's start the journey to a NEW YOU!

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