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The Missing Link to Reversing the Dreaded Menstrual Cycle

Every month, for most women, we experience what’s known as a menstrual cycle. During that one week or so out of the month, we bleed and need to use pads, tampons or menstrual cups to catch it. For some women it is the most dreaded part of the month. They just wish they could skip over it. Why? Because they experience heavy bleeding, long cycles, painful cramps, bloating, fatigue and more.

There are many things that can contribute to that experience, diet being one of them. Consuming dairy and sugar is known to cause inflammation in the body. Therefore, if you consume foods containing dairy and sugar prior to and during your period you can almost expect to have cramps. Another reason for unpleasant menstrual cycles is having dis-ease in the body. Women who have polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), fibroids and endometriosis usually have complicated periods. They experience heavy bleeding, abdominal tightness, fatigue and weakness, long cycles and excruciating cramps which leaves them bed bound and unable to perform their daily tasks and more. This can include them having to miss work. Most women have just accepted that this is just the ways things are and often times think that all women experience this. But this is not something that all women endure and it doesn’t have to be the case at all.

I want to talk about the missing link that can reverse the dreaded menstrual cycle. I’ve done a lot of research and read a lot of books and articles regarding the menstrual cycle. I was one that had a 7 day long cycle, unbearable cramps and had to take pain medication in order to function for the first couple of days and experienced fatigue. With all that I found in my studies I cannot say that anyone has mentioned this correlation that I’m calling the missing link. The missing link I discovered is that the chemicals found in commercial pads and tampons make for an unpleasant menstrual cycle. Traditional disposable pads and tampons are laced with chemicals, toxins and pesticides that flood the bloodstream the moment you sit one against the thinnest most sacred skin on your body… your vagina. Those chemicals and toxins disrupt your endocrine system, which lead to what I call womb imbalances (hormonal imbalance). As a result of unaddressed hormonal imbalances we begin to see dis-ease in the reproductive organs; dis-eases such as fibroids, PCOS and endometriosis to name a few, which are all hormonal imbalances.

Well, if we remove these chemicals that we flood our bloodstream with month after month, what would that mean for our menstrual cycles? What would our periods look like? What if I told you that by wearing cloth pads your period could be a much more pleasant experience? Would you believe me? Maybe if I told you that a client of mine who has PCOS, who had to miss work 2 days out of the month every month, on her first round of making the switch to cloth pads said, “I am at work. On what used to be the worst day of my period…without death cramps. I had a little dull pain but I honestly used to be at home crying and taking 15 ibuprofen per day for 2 days of my period.” Another client of mine on her first round of ditching the disposables said, “I can’t believe what a difference these cloth pads have made. The first day of my period has always been hellacious and I’m usually in a ton of pain that’s unbearable. Today I’m having little to no pain at all and it’s blowing my mind. I was very skeptical about how well trying these would actually work, but I knew I couldn’t go through what I went through with my last period. Wow I just can’t believe this.” That was what she said to me on the very first day of making the switch. Needless to say neither of them will be going back to traditional pads.

For me and my clients that have ditched the disposables and made the switch to cloth pads, we have seen major improvements in our monthly cycles. We don’t have chemicals flooding our bloodstream causing inflammation and unnecessary pain in our bodies. There are many benefits to switching to cloth pads such as shorter, lighter cycles, minimal to no cramping, it eliminates odor, they are washable/reusable, lasts for years, and saves you lots of money! Speaking from experience, you don’t have to suffer or dread your menstrual cycle any longer. You can take part in all of the benefits that come with making the switch to cloth pads. Especially if you have a hormonal imbalance like fibroids, endometriosis and PCOS because putting those chemicals in your body on a monthly basis will only make matters worse and you can never truly heal or reverse your womb imbalance. Who do you know that needs this information? Please spread the word. Cheers to your womb health. Peace, love and womb wellness!


For more information about Womb Therapist ™ Nicole Brantley, MSW, CWSP, her products and services please visit

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